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St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church - An Historical Perspective

St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church had its beginning in 1939 when a small group of Episcopal Church members of the Prairie View A. & M. College community met to discuss the formation of an Episcopal congregation in Prairie View, Texas.  Miss Maude Ernestine Suarez, Dean of Women at the college was a leading member of this group that worked during the succeeding decade of the 1940's to establish a permanent Episcopal chaplaincy and congregation at Prairie View. The congregation met in the Guest House Building on the Prairie View campus.


In 1950, this group realized its ambition when it officially formed itself into the St. Francis of Assisi Mission Congregation.  The first Vicar for the St. Francis congregation was the Reverend James Murray. A native of Charleston, South Carolina, Father Murray had attended Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, and Bishop Baines Seminary in Virginia.  Although he was Vicar of St. Francis, Father Murray continued to serve as Vicar of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas, a ministry he had begun in the late 1940's.


Other early leaders in the establishment and development of the church included Dr. E. B. Evans, who served as president of Prairie View A. & M. College from 1946-1966, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Atwood, Bishop Denby of Cleveland, Ohio; and Father John B. Boyce, Mrs. Ann C. Preston, Colonel West A. Hamilton, the Menke family of Hempstead, Mrs. Eula Dooley, Mrs. Jimmie Ruth Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Nichols, Mrs. Eloise Williams, Dr. J. L. Brown, Mrs. Naomi Thomas Baker, Mr. John Ledbetter, Dr. & Mrs. R. Von Charleton, Dr. & Mrs. E. G. High, Dr. & Mrs. D. S. Yarbrough, Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jones, Ms. Kathryn Jordan, Ms. Nerissa Stickney, Mrs. Ollie Mae Scott, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Reid, Sr. and Mr. H. E. Mazyck, Jr.


On June 16, 1957, the Reverend Charles F. Hood relieved Father Murray as Vicar and served the congregation until December 31, 1959. Up to t he administration of Father Hood, the St. Francis’s congregation had met in the Guest House Building on the campus of Prairie View.


On June 15, 1958, the former church building of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal congregation, Hempstead, having been moved to Prairie View, began to serve as the church building for the St. Francis congregation. This building, erected in 1870 and one of the oldest frame Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Texas, is now one of the three remaining churches consecrated by the Rt. Reverend Alexander Gregg, the first Bishop of Texas. At a special service in the evening of May 16, 1963, the Waller County Historical Society with the assistance of the Army ROTC of the College erected a Texas Historical Society plaque in the vestibule of the historic church. Since 1994, the building now serves as the home for Hope AME Church in Prairie View, Texas.


With a church building of their own, the St. Francis congregation was able to conduct the full ritual of the Episcopal Church. The opening day services of the church building saw the baptisms of Dannis ‘Frontious’ Michael Ledbetter. On the Feast of St. James the Apostle, July 25, 1957, the Rt. Reverend Frederick Percy of Goddard, Suffragan Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, conferred the Rite of Confirmation for the first time within the congregation on nine candidates St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church. The first Marriage Rite for the congregation took place between Mr. George Murrel Sims and Miss Nell Rose Antoine on May 12, 1961. The Reverend Hugh Donald Keeling succeeded Father Hood as Vicar on January 1, 1960 and served the congregation until his transfer to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Belleville, Texas on January 15, 1963. Father Keeling’s successor as Vicar was the Reverend James T. Moore, who served the congregation until 1968.


On October 4, 1964, the congregation inaugurated the annual custom of celebrating the patron feast of the mission, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, with a Solemn High Eucharist followed by a procession with the Saint’s stature through the streets of Prairie View and concluding with a parish supper. The congregation marked the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with appropriate Requiem services.  On October 10, 1969, the Rt. Reverend Josiah Mtekateka, Bishop of Lake Malawi, Africa, pontificated a Solemn Even Song Service.  Earlier in the day the bishop had addressed a campus-wide luncheon in the Memorial Student Union. 


A particularly happy occasion for the congregation was on June 15, 1969 when the first Vicar, Father James Murray, since attached to the Houston Metropolitan Ministries and Incarnation Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas, returned to St. Francis to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination as a priest.

Five organizations, the Women of St. Francis, the Senior Choir, the Altar Guild, the Men of St. Francis and the Church School, have served the parishioners of St. Francis since its inception as a congregation.  In the late 1950's, the Episcopal college students formed themselves into a Canterbury Club, a part of the National Episcopal Ministry to the Campus.  Mrs. T. P. Dooley in l968 founded a junior Choir, which performed at most Sunday services and presented an annual Christmas program.


The Church School was established in the early 1960's with Dr. C. A. Wood as superintendent.  It was the first regular church school available in the community.


At the urging of the Right Reverend John E. Hines, then Bishop of the Diocese of Texas and later, Presiding Bishop of the Church in the United States, and his successor in the Diocese of Texas, the Right Reverend James Milton Richardson, and a rectory was built to the church.  On June 3, 1967, the Right Reverend Scott Field Bailey, Suffragan Bishop of Texas, formally dedicated the completed rectory. With this task completed, the congregation turned to raising funds for further expansion of the facilities, and on May 1, 1971, Bishop Bailey broke ground for the ‘new’ St. Francis’s Church and Parish Hall.


The congregation was able to move its building plans off center through the efforts of Father Moore, the Bishop’s Committee, the Senior Warden, the Parish Treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Woods, Mr. Howard Tellepsen, Bishop Richardson and Dr. E. B. Evans.


On April 9, 1972, the Bishop of Texas, the Right Reverend James Milton Richardson, dedicated the new facilities.  The congregation prayed that the dedication would be a new beginning in the life of love and service to our Lord Jesus Christ for St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Prairie View, Texas.


The Diocese admitted St. Francis as a Mission in January 1950 and it became a Parish in February 1992. Since its founding the following Clergy have provided service leadership to the Church:


Vicars/Clergy in Charge            Bishops
1941-51   James H. Murray     Quinton S. Quinn
1952-55   Arthur Callaway      John Elbridge
1955-56   Joseph B. White      Frederick Goddard
1957-59   Charles F. Hood      James P. Clements
1960-63   Donald Keeling        Scott Field Bailey
1963-72   James T. Moore      J. Milton Richardson
1972-73   James Ramsey        Rodger H. Cilley
1973-78   Robert Moore         J. Milton Richardson
1978-83   James Sproates      Maurice Benitez
1983-90    Andrew Mepham    Maurice Benitez
1990–92   Earlie Clemons        Maurice Benitez


1992-98   Earlie Clemons         Claude E. Payne
2000-05   Everett Fredholm     Claude E. Payne
2005-06   Vestry                   Donald Wimberly
2006-07   Matthias Oneyndi     Donald Wimberly

2007-11   Vestry                   C. Andrew Doyle

2011-19   Cynthia Engle          C. Andrew Doyle

​2019-      Rhonda Rogers         C. Andrew Doyle

In The


In accordance with the guidelines from the Diocese of Texas on the COVID-19 Directions and the CDC, St. Francis will not have in-church service. You can join us for service on YouTube.


The Reverend Rhonda Rogers welcomes you for our services at 10:30a.m. on Sundays.

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